
Showing posts from August, 2019

Search Sort and Pagination in ng-repeat – AngularJS

Image Get 100$ FREE credit & hosting at scale In any web application to display data,  we often use tables or lists. When working with angular applications you will use  ng-repeat  to display the data in tables or lists. However when the data items get large, our table must-have features such as  search ,  sort  and  pagination . These features will make your application more user-friendly and tables more manageable. This AngularJS tutorial will show you how to implement search, sort, and Pagination in your Angular applications. Note: This is a tutorial for Angular 1, if you are looking for implementation in Angular 2 visit  this tutorial Roadmap For our demo application, we will first display the data using ng-repeat. Next, we will start implementing the three features one by one starting with the easiest first. Display data using ng-repeat Implement search in AngularJS( filter ) Imp